Glenfield College Glenfield College

10 Food Technology

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr M. Hill.

Year 10 Food Technology

This course has an emphasis on creating dishes that can be modified and adapted to meet the needs of a range of users. 

 Topics covered during this course include:

  • Ready, Steady, Cook - An introduction to kitchen ‘know how’ where students practice a range of dishes to understand how recipes work and to develop strong routines to ensure successful outcomes.
  •  Pizza and Pasta - This unit further expands students’ skill sets as they learn to reflect on outcomes and adapt recipes to alter flavours, colours and textures. This will result in a digital outcome presenting their own unique recipe. 
  • “Uber Eats” and Sustainability - Students explore sustainable food production and design a dish for an “uber eats” cultural restaurant

Learning Areas:


Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

A donation towards material costs of $82 for take home elements will be requested.
Stationery required for this course: Highlighter and glue stick.
