Glenfield College Glenfield College

Senior Numeracy

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms K. Smith.


Possession of a scientific calculator is essential for this course.  Casio FX-9750GII is recommended.

Stationery required for this course: 2 x 1J5 exercise books, 1 x 40 page clear file.

This course is designed for senior students who have yet to achieve the Numeracy requirements.  Senior Numeracy will begin by focusing on preparing students for the Numearcy co-requisite, which are assessed in an exam format. As the year progresses, achievement standards may be integrated into the programme. Students will be placed in this course based on data analysis and teacher recommendations. This course also caters to those senior students who join us throughout the year and are new to the New Zealand education system.

Learning Areas:


Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Calculator and workbook $20 is recommended
