Glenfield College Glenfield College

9 Social Studies

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms P. Buddle.

Year 9 Social Studies

Social Studies enables students to participate in a changing society as confident, informed and responsible citizens. Students will investigate and explore important social issues, make decisions, work co-operatively and build their knowledge of their history, their land, and their society.

At Year 9 the teaching programme covers four Social Studies Achievement Objectives through a thematic approach, and is aimed at providing students a varied programme of study that is relevant, engaging and future focused.

1.    Migration and Culture
        Who are we and where have we come from?

2.    Sustainability and Globalisation
        Climate change, our use of resources, and the shrinking world

3.    Citizenship and Government
       Global and Local Citizenship and National and Local Government in New Zealand

4.    Classics
       Myths from the ancient world

Students completing the Year 9 Social Studies programme will be assessed in each of the thematic topics studied in a means reflective of how they will be assessed in NCEA Level 1.

Learning Areas:

Social Sciences

Assessment Information

Students completing the Year 9 Social Studies programme will be assessed in each of the thematic topics studied in a means reflective of how they will be assessed in NCEA Level 1.


10 Social Studies

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Contribution requested: $10 for trip.
Stationery required for this course: 1 x 1B5 exercise book, coloured pencils and glue stick.
