Glenfield College Glenfield College

9 Music

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr T. Kus.


This course is for the beginning music students and there are no prerequisites (prior knowledge or skills) required to study Music at this level.

9 Music

Students will develop their music literacy skills by learning music notation to a rudimentary level.  They will apply their music reading skills to rehearse and perform simple pieces on the guitar and/or the keyboard. Students will study a topic about the musical instruments and gain a contextual knowledge of their use in various musical settings.

School-Based Music Tuition Programme: This is an optional acceleration learning programme designed for students who wish to begin or continue learning a musical instrument through lessons with an itinerant teacher of music. More information about the instruments and rental options can be obtained from the Music Department office – phone Mr Kus on 09 444 9066 ext.734 or e-mail: [email protected]. Prompt registration is crucial in securing a place in the programme.

Learning Areas:



10 Music

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

There are no fees for this course. Participation in the music tuition programme is free of charge.
