Glenfield College Glenfield College

Year 9 English Language

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms R. Philipson.


Progression within the English Language programme is based on in class testing and teacher discretion. It is of benefit for students to pursue GC English Language courses

in conjunction with GC English courses.  

This is a 10- week language course designed for students who have recently arrived in New Zealand. The aim is for students to establish basic English language skills. The focus will be establishing essential reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills, so students can continue to learn from a solid foundation.

Learning Areas:


Assessment Information

Assessment will be based on class work and the four modes of speaking, listening, reading and writing.


Year 10 English Language

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Vocabulary workbook $20
Stationery required: 1B8 exercise book, pencil, eraser, blue and black pen, glue stick.
