Glenfield College Glenfield College

L3 Physics

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr D. Aston.


14 credits or more in Level 2 Physics with success in at least one of the external Achievement standards or at HOD discretion.

The Level 3 course expands on the ideas taught in Level 2 with the addition of topics which further enhance our understanding of the motion of rotating objects and AC electricity.  The following topics are covered:  

  • Experimental skills 
  • Mechanics: Energy, Rotational Motion, Torque and Periodic motion 
  • Waves and Light
  • Modern Physics: we look at a model used to explain the energy transformations inside an atom and the Aurora Borealis
  • Electricity: Multiloop circuits, Capacitors, Inductors, Tuned circuits and Alternating Current

Physics studied at Level 3 is an approved subject for University Entrance.

Learning Areas:


Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

A donation towards a $30 (approximately) workbook/laboratory manual and web-based tutorial is requested.
Stationery required for this course: Ringbinder and lined refill.
