Glenfield College Glenfield College

Senior English Language (Advanced)

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms R. Philipson.


This course is open to students who speak a language in addition to English at home.

Senior English Language (Advanced) 

This year-long course is designed to help English Language Learners improve their communication skills.  The focus of this course is to further develop literacy skills and will ask students to reflect on their understanding of being a citizen in Aotearoa/ New Zealand. Students work towards Unit Standard credits throughout the year in this course.

Learning Areas:


Assessment Information

Assessment for this course will be four NCEA English Language Unit Standards at Foundation level for a total of 20 credits. The standards given are an indication, and detail of each standard will be confirmed at the start of the course.

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Vocabulary workbook $20
Stationery required: 1B8 exercise book, pencil, eraser, blue and black pen, glue stick.
