Glenfield College Glenfield College

L3 Drama

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs J. Ogden.


12+ credits in Level 2 Drama or by negotiation with Mrs Ogden.

L3 Drama

In this course Level 3 students are encouraged to improve on the skills and techniques learnt in Level 2. The year begins with the study of a significant play and performance of an excerpt.  Students also perform a full-length play before an invited audience.  Students will learn about the role of a director and then cast and direct a piece of drama for public performance.  They will have the opportunity to devise their own piece of contemporary theatre.  In addition, they view a live professional drama performance on a school-organised trip.  

Learning Areas:


Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Stationery: 1B8 exercise book, 2B8 exercise book, 20 page clear file, pens and highlighter.
