Glenfield College Glenfield College

L3 Dance

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs J. Ogden.


14 credits in Level 2  Dance or by negotiation with Mrs Ogden.

Level 3 Dance

Over the year students study a variety of dance genres including Contemporary Ballet, Broadway Jazz, Lyrical and Contemporary Hip Hop. Students will develop their technique in these genres and explore the elements of dance in a range of creative tasks. Students will also extend their choreographic skills in solo or group choreographic assessment tasks. Students will have the opportunity to learn from both Mrs Ogden as well as guest instructors (where available). Students will; study a New Zealand Dance piece for their external examination

Dance studied at Level 3 is an approved subject for University Entrance.

Learning Areas:


Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Stationery: 2x IB8 exercise book, 20 page clear file, pens, highlighter, coloured pencils, glue stick and USB stick.
