Glenfield College Glenfield College

L2 Services Academy

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr D. Bickford.


Entry into the Services Academy is by consultation with your Dean, your parents and an interview with the Services Academy Director, Mr Donovan Bickford.

This is a double-line timetable option.  Students have the opportunity to achieve 29 Level 2 NCEA credits through the Ministry of Defence camps and in-class assessments.  All students in this class will be expected to participate and attend three compulsory camps (Induction – ten days, Bushcraft – five days and  Adventure Challenge – five days).  In addition to this, students may be selected to attend additional leadership camps.  Students in the Academy will work on activities such as physical fitness, preparation for the Services, Military skills such as discipline, drills, leadership, teamwork, personal presentation, goal setting, bush craft and theory-based components.

The Services Academy Director will also act as a mentor to all students and offer advice and guidance to support students with their academic programme.  

Learning Areas:

Physical Education & Health


L3 Services Academy

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

There will be a $200 materials fee donation associated with this course to cover PT gear and uniform.
