Glenfield College Glenfield College

L2 Automotive

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr M. Hill.


At least 14 credits in Level 1 Technology Engineering.

This course is made up of Automotive Unit Standards which can be used as a pre-requisite for a variety of UNITEC Automotive courses from apprenticeship through to degree level. 

Unit Standards offered include the identification/recognition of vehicle components, the study of petrol and diesel four stroke engines, vehicle braking, transmission, steering and suspension systems. Some Units Standards require a skill to be mastered and students are given the opportunity to use hand tools and automotive equipment in an automotive workshop environment.  

This course leads to Level 3 Automotive and a wide range of areas in the Automotive and Engineering industries. 

Learning Areas:



L3 Automotive

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

A donation towards material costs of $80 for take home elements will be requested.
