Glenfield College Glenfield College

L1 Geography

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms P. Buddle.


By recommendation of Year 10 Social Studies teacher.

Geography aims to develop a range of practical and analytical skills through the study of the world around us.  We focus on both the physical and human environments around us as well as the interaction between the two.  Through our courses, students should have a better understanding of the processes which create their surroundings and how important it is that we have this understanding to secure a sustainable future.

L1 Geography

Over the year students are introduced to physical and cultural geography. Students in Level 1 Geography will look at topics such extreme natural events with a focus on volcanism, the natural processes of rivers, and the formation of cities and civilisations. Core geographic skills – mapping and exploring geographic ideas – are also covered.  Students will also have the opportunity to test their knowledge out in the field on trips.

Learning Areas:

Social Sciences


L2 Geography

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

This course includes a recommended field trip to Waitomo at a cost of approximately $280 per student. This trip is a one-night trip that directly links to assessments within the Geography course.
Stationery required for this course: plastic ruler, highlighters, 1 x 1B8 excercise books, coloured pencils, Chromebook/device
