Glenfield College Glenfield College

10 Drama

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs J. Ogden.

Year 10 Drama

Drama is an important part of the New Zealand Arts Curriculum.  By engaging in Drama, students develop the ability to effectively communicate through both written and oral language and through gesture and body language, qualities essential in becoming integral members of society. Studying Drama provides an environment in which the student develops in self-confidence, in expressing their ideas to others and learning to work as a team member.  By engaging in the practical and written aspects of the course, students are encouraged to express their own creative ideas and develop strategies of self-discipline to realise their full potential.  The Year 10 Drama course progresses naturally from Year 9 Drama.  Students who have not completed the Year 9 course are welcome, but they will be expected to enthusiastically commit to both the performance and written aspects of the course.

Areas covered:

Script Technique: Students will have the opportunity to work with a range of short scripts.  They will learn the skills required to interpret scripted dialogue and add their own meaning through performance.

Character Creation: Students will learn how to manipulate their use of voice, body, movement and space to portray a range of characters onstage.

Improvisation: Students will explore skills required to improvise comedic and serious scenes on the spot.  They will learn and take part in a number of Theatresports games as part of this unit of work.

Devising: Students will have the opportunity to create their own performances in groups.  They will learn how to structure effective scenes and shape original drama.

Drama helps students develop creativity, self-confidence, co-operation and group work skills, self-management, thinking skills, reading and writing skills, memory, public speaking skills and listening skills.

Learning Areas:



L1 Drama

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Stationery required for this course: 1B5 Excercise Book, highlighter, pens, 20 Page Clear file and a glue stick.
