
9 Drama

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs J. Ogden.

Year 9 Drama

Drama students will learn about drama techniques, production technologies and devising their own short play in a small group with which will allow them to develop confidence, skills in critical thinking, communication, collaboration and time management.  They will also gain the ability to critique both their own and others’ performances.

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Stationery: 1B5 exercise book. 20 page clear file, pens, highlighter and glue stick.



  • Some students’ courses may not fit the timetable when it is prepared so you may be contacted and asked to re-choose. 
  • If you do not make sufficient progress in the remainder of the year (i.e. in your entrance exams, course work and end-of-year exams), you may not be accepted into the subject of your choice