
10 English

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr K. Lee.

Year 10 English

English is the study of story, meaning, communication and identity.  We study English so we can interact more successfully with the world around us, effectively explain our points of view, develop empathy for others and discover who we are through reading stories and writing our own.

English at Year 10 builds on skills established in Year 9 and will continue to develop these skills so that students are ready to tackle NCEA by the end of the year.  Students will study multiple novels and a range of short written texts, along with creating works of creative, transactional, and academic writing.

Year 10 English will focus on:

·       In-depth literary studies of novels and short texts, such as poetry and short stories 

-      Exploring a series of short texts by Maori authors

·       Narrative creative writing

·       Improving the depth and skill of your academic writing so you can produce essays 

·       Presenting your understanding of texts and your own ideas through a range of styles 

·       Further developing your close-reading skills, concentrating specifically on how writers achieve desired purposes through the use
        of language features, word choice and sentence types

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Stationery required: 2x 1B5 exercise book, pack of 4 coloured highlighters, small post it notes, pens, glue stick and scissors.



  • Some students’ courses may not fit the timetable when it is prepared so you may be contacted and asked to re-choose. 
  • If you do not make sufficient progress in the remainder of the year (i.e. in your entrance exams, course work and end-of-year exams), you may not be accepted into the subject of your choice