10 Design and Visual Communication

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr J. Montreal.

Year 10 Design and Visual Communication

This course focuses on the core sketching and modelling tools used by real life product designers.  Students will follow the design process in order to create a working blue-tooth speaker. Students will solder together the components for their speaker as well as create a wooden casing to house their circuitry. Please note that some of this course will be delivered in a workshop environment. 

Course content includes:

  • Design skills and drawing techniques
  • Computer Aided Design (CAD modelling) 
  • Presentation techniques using Photoshop 
  • Workshop skills 

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Donation requested towards $40 for blue-tooth speaker students are able to keep


  • Some students’ courses may not fit the timetable when it is prepared so you may be contacted and asked to re-choose. 
  • If you do not make sufficient progress in the remainder of the year (i.e. in your entrance exams, course work and end-of-year exams), you may not be accepted into the subject of your choice